Sunday, November 23, 2008
Lily Kate Jacob loves you!
Jacob lovingly refers to Lily as Ninee. When he wakes up in the morning he looks for Ninee. The entire ride home after dropping Lily Kate off at school Jacob says Ninee? as if asking me "Where is she"? When he wakes up from his nap if she is not there with me to get him he goes straight to her door and bangs on it again saying Ninee! Today when he woke up from his nap Lily Kate was still sleeping and Jacob insisted on waking her up. And he insisted that he get in her bed to have his bottle and snuggle with his Ninee. He kept on pointing to her saying Ninee, Ninee. Josh and I just looked at each other and smiled, how blessed we are to experience such loving moments.
Happy Birthday Megan and Jason!
Recently we celebrated Aunt Megan and Uncle Jason's birthday. The family gathered at Grammies house for the festive occasion. On the way to the party Lily Kate was inquiring if Grammie had purchased all the proper decorations.......balloons, streamers, and the all important party hats. We will remember that this is required at all future BIG person birthday parties. Lily Kate did help with the unwrapping of the presents and led us all in a boisterous version of Happy Birthday sung one time for Auntie Meggie and one time for Uncle Jasey. After presents Lily Kate decided to try the infamous brithday eclair cake, the 1year wedding cake, and an ice cream cone...........yes this really happened. Why not live a little at age four, party hats and lots of dessert.........hey this girl knows how to celebrate! Happy Birthday!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Gideon we love you!
Recently Aunt Rachel and baby Gideon spent the weekend with us. Lily Kate loves to have family here, she loves that someone will be here to eat pancakes with us on Saturday mornings, or that she can wake up her Aunties in the morning, or that she has one more person to entertain! Gideon is growing so fast and it was so amazing to watch him play and interact with his cousins. Every time I see him he is doing something different, and just keeps getting cuter. We love you Gideon!
Silly playtime
I love the days when I get surprised by happy silly playtime. I never know when it will happen but when it does it is so fun to sit back and watch. The two usually play hide and seek, chase the kitty. or snuggle with the baby. Jacob loves to hang out wherever Lily is, and when he is lucky she will let him play with her. These are usually the moments when they get silly and make up fun games. Hopefully as they get older they will have plenty of silly, crazy, fun times together.
A visit from Seth David
Oh the fun times Lily Kate has with Seth David! These two always pick up right were they left off, Lily Kate will give up her dress up, and My Little Pony's to play in the dirt, ride around in the Jeep, line up cars for hours, and tell silly jokes with Seth. There are always tears when Seth is leaving, and you can tell how much she loves having him around.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Girls night out!
I love girls night out. Girls night out started after Jacob was born, and every other week Lily Kate and I go out on a date with NO BOYS! She loves to say that. We go out for a chocolate milk at Starbucks and a shopping trip at Target, or on a mission to Gymboree so she can pick out a Thanksgiving recital dress, or a trip to the library to stock up on books and movies, or just a hang out date at the smoothie shop. No matter where we are I get two or three hours to hear all her stories from school, or ballet, or how her fish Gill is doing. Our time is full of her silly giggles and laughter. I experience her unabashed forwardness to strangers and through our conversations I get to see the sensitive and compassionate side of Lily.
As Lily gets older and busier I feel that my time with her seems to be slipping away. She is no longer by my side from the time she gets up in the morning to the time I put her down at night. And that is why I love girls night out, for me every minute is priceless.
As Lily gets older and busier I feel that my time with her seems to be slipping away. She is no longer by my side from the time she gets up in the morning to the time I put her down at night. And that is why I love girls night out, for me every minute is priceless.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
The great outdoors with Jacob
Jacob loves to be outside. He loves to walk down the drive way, look up at the trees and say tree, leaf, leaf, leaf, until you pick him a leaf. He loves to ride in the John Deer with Lily Kate driving, wind in his hair, the bumpy gravel drive shaking his little body around. He loves to push a little scooter around, or dig in the dirt, or even better follow his big sister exploring the yard. He loves to fill little buckets with gravel, and most recently he loves to carry little pumpkins around and then throw them down in the driveway. He loves balls and he loves to swing badmitten raquets around in leaves and the dirt. He loves to throw himself into the five foot hydrangea bushes in front of the house, and he just sits there and looks up over the blooms at you. Every time he hears a bird chirp or a dog bark he says "B" or "D"! Every bug, bee, frog, fuzzy wuzzy, ant, or ladybug he comes in counter with is a moment of great intensity and curiosity. Jacob has provided a great opportunity for our entire family to rediscover the great outdoors.
Daddy's home!
What a joyous occasion when daddy comes home from work every afternoon. Jacob and Lily hear the big truck as it comes down the driveway. Jacob will bang on the door and yell dadad! dadad! There are big smiles and cheers for dad as they both rush to the back door and wait for the garage door to shut and for dad to emerge. I have to move them away from the door so Josh can get in. They both hang onto daddy as he trails thru the kitchen and into the living room. The night is play time with dad, bath time with dad, and Jacob gets the special privilege of dad putting him to bed every night. Dad is the star of the evening, a truly well deserved place.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Princess Lily Kate

Have you ever seen a miniature Cinderella as you are checking out at Giant. Every one stops and smiles, possibly remembering when they were a child. A Four year olds imaginations can take them anywhere, Giant becomes Cinderellas castle, the shopping cart can be the carriage, and the bakery section is the ballroom where the fairy godmother is granting your every wish. I think that Lily Kate discovered the wonderful world of Disney a little later than most little girls. And perhaps that is what has made it so fun and exciting. For the longest time Lily was only interested in matchbox cars, trains, tools, and playing outside in the dirt and gravel. Right before her fourth birthday one of her little school mates gave her a full Snow White ensemble. Snow White made an appearance at Giant, the Tropical Smoothie cafe, and the bank, the reign of princess Lily Kate began that day. A day I will never forget.
Keep your eye out at your local grocery store for Tinkerbell, Lily Kate's current favorite. If your lucky she might send a little pixie dust your way.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Harmony Preschool
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Happy Birthday Jacob!

It is hard to believe that I had Jacob one year ago. He has been the most wonderful, peaceful, easy going, cuddly and lovable baby. He still has a little dimple and a little cleft in his chin that I thought he might outgrow. He has most recently discovered deer in our front yard and sheep down the drive. He checks ALL the windows periodically throughout the day and will say "deer"? He knows they are out there somewhere. He also has decided that he likes to wear shoes and insists that they are on his feet at all times. He stomps through the house and turns his head to see if anyone is looking. Jacob just started to play with his big sister Lily Kate, they have a new game that is a combination of hide and seek and tackle the baby.
We had a small birthday celebration for Jacobs first birthday. He did not really care for the cupcake and instead devoured a popsicle, or two. That is a first birthday tradition in our family.
Of course I am flooded with the thoughts that this year has gone by to fast. But I am excited to see how Jacob changes this year. What will he want to talk about? What will his favorite toy be? Will he love snow, and Christmas? Will he love books? Will he still give big bear hugs and snuggle? And will he keep that dimple?
North Litchfield 2008
Wow we are finally sharing some of our wonderful memories with our friends and family. On a weekly if not daily basis I am telling myself to write down the first words, the funny stories, or the reason for tears falling down tiny cheeks. We will start with a great week at the beach and hopefully I will be diligent and update this as often as I can.
The King family set off to North Litchfield, South Carolina for a fun packed vacation. We joined Aunt Julie and family and Nana and Papa for the week. The beach is a magical place for children. Lily Kate loved running through the little tide pools that were left as the tide went out. Jacob loved having free reign of the beach; his main objective was to be covered from head to toe in sand and chase every dog that passed.
On one of our last nights Lily Kate, Josh, and I compiled a list of our favorite beach memories.
Eating banana Popsicle's.
Swimming in the pool in the rain.
Having dad to ourselves all week long.
Hanging out with Seth David.
Bubbles on the back porch.
Eating crab cakes our last night, thanks Samantha Brown.
Pawleys Island candy store.
Winning Sequence.
Girls day out.
Girls day out.
Lily Kate finding a starfish.
Nana holding Jacob in the waves.
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